A social initiative of Sri M to serve millions of rural folks through quality healthcare.

A social initiative of Sri M to serve millions of rural folks through quality healthcare is ready.

Sri M has taken a special initiative to setup a Specialty hospital 'Swaasthya Hospitals' at Madanapalli , Andhra Pradesh , India to provide quality healthcare and to serve the deprived and needy. Knowing the role of body, mind and environment in the pathogenesis of most of the diseases, this hospital offers healthcare in a holistic manner to derive effective results. Thus Holistic health is a result of balance, harmony of internal and external factors. Sri M's mission is to render such holistic healthcare for optimal results, with utmost compassion.

Sri M’s special initiative of - a Speciality hospital 'Swaasthya Hospitals' at Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India will provide quality healthcare and to serve the deprived and needy. Knowing the role of body, mind and environment in the pathogenesis of most of the diseases, this hospital offers healthcare in a holistic manner to derive effective results. Thus Holistic health is a result of balance, harmony of internal and external factors. Sri M's mission is to render such holistic healthcare for optimal results, with utmost compassion.




Swaasthya is envisaged to be a 50-bedded, secondary care, affordable holistic healthcare centre. Swaasthya also has an inbuilt philanthropic objective to designate beds / services free-of-charge to the needy. Preventive healthcare, education and awareness through outreach camps, which will eventually create a healthy society. Many villages spread across the connecting stretch can easily access Swaasthya’s affordable quality healthcare services.

Swaasthya is a 50-bedded, secondary care, affordable holistic healthcare centre. Swaasthya also has an inbuilt philanthropic objective to designate beds / services for the needy. Preventive healthcare, education and awareness through outreach camps, which will eventually create a healthy society. Many villages spread across the connecting stretch will be able to easily access Swaasthya’s affordable quality healthcare services.

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  • Over 65% of the population live in the rural areas
  • Rural population do not have access to quality, affordable healthcare
  • Lack of healthcare is resulting in spread of diseases and increasing number of deaths in the rural areas
  • Lack of awareness about the potential solutions for various health issues
  • Lack of trauma care facilities, resulting in disabilities / deaths
swaasthya hospital side view


Better healthcare would dramatically improve the overall well-being of the rural populace, increasing their potential to work, which in turn will result in higher economic productivity. Holistic health care will have a significant social impact by resulting in a peaceful, harmonious, and progressive society.

Swaasthya Hospitals is envisaged to be a 40% bed, secondary care, affordable, holistic healthcare centre in Madanapalle. The hospital is a symbol of hope for those looking for holistic well-being. Seeing how valuable time is lost in shifting critical patients to larger centres (often at least two hours away), this hospital will be a boon in protecting and providing timely treatment within the “Golden Hour”.

Swaasthya Hospitals will operate as a non-profit, with a cross-subsidy self-sustainable model based on the principles of ‘Sarva Bhuta Hite Rataha’ or the well-being of mankind. While the focus will be on curing the illnesses, Swaasthya Hospitals will also cater to the preventive and promotive aspect of health through Yoga, Meditation and Mental Wellbeing.

In Phase I, the following departments are operational:

  • Emergency & Trauma Care Services: Fully equipped to evaluate, diagnose and treat all medical and surgical emergencies supported by state of the art ambulance, trained paramedic with required equipment for safe transportation.
  • General Medicine: The first point of care for all medical conditions.
  • General Surgery: Provides facility for elective as well as emergency surgeries with two operating rooms with modern equipment.
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology: This department will ensure safe pregnancy, delivery, and other holistic approaches.
  • Orthopaedics: Full-fledged services for fractures and other elective surgeries including joint replacements supported by radiological imaging facilities.
  • Paediatrics: Offers comprehensive medical care for all Pediatric problems.
  • Dental: With endemic flurosis, the dental challenges start from the childhood. As such to cater to these Swaasthya will have fully functional dental department.
  • Psychiatry: Will address the growing needs of the world that affects the mental health and occupational health by a team of accomplished clinical psychologists, counselors, and psychiatrist.
  • Telemedicine and Outreach: Swaasthya hospitals is envisaging all around multi vision telemedicine program to bridge the gaps. The services range from tele-consultations, tele-camps, and consulting the specialists with a goal to reach the unreached.

Swaasthya Hospitals – Special features:

  • 24/7 Emergency services with state of the art cardiac support ambulance
  • 40% beds dedicated to the needy and economically weak with complete free services
  • Specialties: Medicine, General surgery, OBG, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, ENT, Dental and Psychiatry
  • Integrated services like Yoga, Nutrition, Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation & Meditation
  • Support services: Counseling, Awareness, Education
Lobby area with Dental and General OPD with billing and reception